Donald J Trump: Contradictions, Lies and Videotape
By Jason Renard Walker
In this past election, Donald Trump and the Republican party spent millions on campaign ads, attacking electrical vehicles (EV’s) in Michigan. Trump even went as far as to denounce the value, reliability and efficiency of EV’s during his rallies in the past. 100 million Musk bucks later, Trump has allowed Elon Musk to sell him an EV on the White House lawn, as a ploy to get Tesla’s plummeting stock back up. Which half – assed worked.
During a time of economic uncertainty, a possible recession and tens of thousands of people getting fired through a Project 2025 inspired, fake government efficiency program, Trump is continuing to use the presidency to enrich himself. Trump even had the audacity to agree to write Musk a personal check, to purchase a vehicle he will never drive. But what message did he send to those that voted for him, by pulling this and every stunt he’s pulled thus far?
My answer may not be the correct answer, but it should give them something to build on: Trump is showing you that he will lie to you, deceive you, sell you out in favor of the oligarchs, go back on his word out of self-interest and make you beg for more.
Every lie, contradiction and corrupt action taken by him, that I’ve ever reported on, was caught on videotape for all the world to see. Yet Trump somehow continues to get his supporters and the Republican party to focus elsewhere and play blind to his cult master like control over them. A lot of this blindness can be attributed to Trump’s loyal media pundits and Fox News, who continue to promote every political stance Trump takes, even when they contradict an earlier viewpoint or have been factually debunked.
One example is how a variety of right-wing journalists have simultaneously flooded podcasts, radio and television with the bizarre notion that Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. First off, this award is only given to those judged to have most benefited humankind in literature, chemistry, physics, promotion of peace and physiology or medicine.
Second, Trump has always shown an inclination to lie, manipulate, incite violence, paranoia and create cultural divisions. Not only do these journalists know he is ineligible to receive this prestigious award. This was an obvious abuse of their media privilege to give his voters an ‘ear of corn worth’ of information (info that satisfy the ears but empty in substance) to deceive them into believing that Trump is running the presidency tantamount to a true leader of the people. Or in simpler terms, saying enough to temporarily keep them from questioning his delay in tackling the issues that they voted for him on.
Keep in mind, most voters aren’t politically inclined to follow what the president is doing the duration of his term, so they rely heavenly on sound bites circulated by the political party of their choice. This is partially why a lot of the lies he tell only resonate with the opposition.
In the past, Trump loyalists have mentioned that if Trump and the Republican party blitzed the media with all sorts of activity in the first few weeks, the media and the people can only cover and focus on so much. And of course, Trump followed suit by signing all kinds of executive orders that are getting challenged in court and making impractical demands on social media that are sending naysayers into a frenzy.
What this strategy has done is gotten people to direct their anger and resources at creating backslash against a small percentage of things, while a huge percentage slip through. For instance, while ‘Chainsaw Elon’ is making headlines in the mainstream media for cutting less than half of 1% of the federal budget, Congress is putting together 4 trillion dollars, at least, in tax cuts, in the form of extending the 2017 cuts. But who’s talking about that.
Also, what mainstream media outlet is talking about the contradictions between Trump’s claim that he will lower inflation and fulfil his promise on the working-class issues he ran on, and what he’s actually doing each day that take him further away from keeping it.
Trump wants to cut taxes (which is an inflationary move), impose tariffs (which will raise prices for the consumer), increase spending and deport migrants, which will create shortages in certain industries that push up prices despite these policies contradicting the fundamental laws that lower inflation. Trump continues to threaten the Federal Reserve to keep interest rates low, but such a thing will only drive inflation up even higher.
So where in all this rubble can Trump pull out a lower the inflation card, while keeping all these inflationary policies in place? The correct answer is he can’t and never expected to. Yet we still shouldn’t be fooled by slight price dips in the economy that will eventually rise again, or gains in the stock market that fluctuate on a daily basis. One thing for certain: the people are eventually going to want answers and team MAGA won’t be able to show their work.
Trump is the unauthorized king, CEO, daddy and pimp of a Republican party that he molded into a corporation of political prostitutes and Yes-men. He is trying to superimpose his immoral values and beliefs the Republican party bought into, onto the entire nation and make It a country that rejects the Constitution and beholds only him.
The Republican party doesn’t actually believe Trump will save the working class from inflation or make their lives any better than it was this time last year. They have sold the people out in exchange for unity with the devil and a piece of the profits Trump admits should come as long as only he is at the helm. The Republican party are nothing but cowards that would rather secure a seat in Trump’s makeshift authoritarian regime, than show resistance to an unhealthy administration out of fear of having to put their dukes up, for once in their lives, and fight the bully.
The Democrat party is no different, they continue to bring milk and cookies to a knife fight, while operating under political normalcy rules that Trump breaks every day.
The sermons right wing politicians give on Fox News and other pro Trump outlets is just hogwash to keep the public’s eye on the democrat party and away from what Trump and the republicans are actually doing. Just pay attention to how these journalists have been organized to collectively promote one item on various outlets, then scamper back to Trump for the next assignment, like a school of fish, after its debunked by the mainstream media.
On videotape he endlessly admits that his reason for imposing tariffs is because other countries are ripping the U.S. government off and it will make them rich. By now Trump is smart enough to know that any drug that has a demand in America will perpetually enter America unscathed. There is not a tariff in reality Trump can impose on any country, that will deter corrupt individuals in the U.S. military and government from taking bribes that keep the drug and human smuggling trade booming. If you don’t believe that some government employees in both political parties are involved, then fool you are.
This essay, by far, is not an exhaustive reflection of the Trump administration. I’ve written a variety of articles on him that tackle specific issues, this way readers can read each one on my website: without me having to recite the same common information each time.
I recommend that those who oppose Trump focus on one issue that affects you the most, build community around it and organize with others who are affected the same way. It is possible that multiple coalitions can be built to attack the Trump administration’s tentacles from every angle. What we can’t do is keep chasing him down his bottomless rabbit holes.
Jason Renard Walker 1532092
Powledge unit
PO Box 660400
Dallas, Tx 75266