By Jason Renard Walker

In this piece I will touch on a failed attempt, from what I draw as a false activists effort to slander the already tarnished livelihood and fleeting integrity of Bill Clements’ unit TDCJ staffer Patricia Flowers, and, in retrospect, damage my own writing credibility for being the sole reporter of the information given to me, while we agree that they remain anonymous, yet the only obvious beneficiary after the fact. As they admitted that we both have different “motives and incentives”, mine being an unwitting effort to report a story they hope I believe is true, while theirs is only to get “all four of them”.

Not only did this person try to butter me up by complimenting me on my writings and courage to publish on prison conditions, they attempted to wheel me into conspiring with them to file a report (while they remain anonymous) that they knew was either and or is: 1) False 2) Deliberately Misleading 3) Unverified and rumor mongered 4) Extremely disparaging and slanderous to ones reputation 5) Unlikely to be proven as true in a criminal investigation.

In effort to gain my trust they sent me copies of emails that were purported to be from Patricia Flowers and another Clements unit staffer, whose identity remains unknown to me. But yet, supposedly have been harassing them to the extent it chilled their freedom of expression and commitment to continue advocating for a Clements unit inmate, who’s supposedly being starved and under increasing amounts of potential violence by Flowers co-conspirators.

I will refer to this person as they and them because their exchanges with me have been unforthcoming, veiled, contradicting and suspect. Other attachments included a social media doctored mugshot of Flowers stemming from a previous arrest that has since been settled along with the body of laws governing the charge she previously faced.

Given that this person admitted that they read “all” of my published work, they were very aware that reporting bad prison conditions is something I do, and care a lot about, and used this sensitivity to advance false investigations and reports on Clements unit staff that they felt I had an unrewarded obligation to take part in.


A person registering under the securus emessage service as Rebecca Potticary contacted me for reasons unknown. At this point this person could be anybody, ranging from who they say they are, to a troller, inmate with the means, identity thief, TDCJ staffer or worse. Initially they claimed in a 10-11-23 emessage that “My son’s friend got a felony charge and I started looking into the different laws and got online and began to see what the system was like. I found your articles and began to make TikTok do something.”

In a separate message they suggested that they happened to see an article mentioning Flowers and started posting about her activities I described on TikTok. Particularly, her penchant for being involved in excessive uses of chemical agents on prisoners.

Then, in a contradicting emessage they stated “I was contacting you because I was doing research on Patricia Flowers and I came across your blog. I wanted to make sure it is okay to read and quote and share your articles. I posted her mugshot because she sent me the following email.”

This person then changed their story yet again and claimed that they’d been doing advocacy work for a Jason Baughman (a documented police informant) who Flowers supposedly is retaliating against because of Rebecca’s TikTok posts. And that they were a substitute teacher with a degree in journalism.

As we continued to exchange missives, I began to become suspicious so I asked them to register their phone number as a way to partially confirm the identity and truthfulness in this person’s intentions. As they assumed I’d had a way to call them without using the prison phone, when they gave me an unregistered number to call. More suspicion arose when I saw that the number they registered was different from the number they originally gave me when they thought I’d call from a cellphone.

When I told them of this they said it was a mistake and would correct it. They often expressed paranoia in using emessages and stressed that they were running out of stamps so they wouldn’t send any more messages. In the next message they came out the of woodworks and claimed a Clements unit guard name Jessica Henry was pulling inmates out of their solitary confinement cells and having sex with them, while other staff kept watch.

They claim Henry had gone under investigation for these same things at another unit and relocated to Clements to dodge further scrutiny and her estranged husband who filed for divorce after the rendezvous. They suggested that Henry was friends with Flowers, a Velasquez and a Pena, who all had involvement in these trysts. I was asked if I could help shed light on these allegations, while keeping Potticary completely out of it, or at the least, provide tips on how they can cause an OIG and warden investigation without involving anyone except me.

Their focus had completely shifted from prison conditions to a desire to only want to get the “four of them” (Flowers, Pena, Henry, Velasquez) without ever explaining what these four had personally done to Baughman, or if they had done anything to him at all. They claimed to have tried exposing them via wardens office several times to no avail, due to being put on hold for long periods of time.

Then they doubled back and suggested that they couldn’t call because the unit warden and staff knew them, as they had once dated a guard that work at Clements unit named Corey, whose friend gave them the details on Henry, who’s supposedly having sex with a wealth of guards and inmates, that they said Baughman “verified”.

To ensure a reply back (possibly an attempt to get me to incriminate myself as engaging in such) they sent a prepaid reply stamp, despite having just said their lack of stamps was why they wanted me to call them.

While waiting for the phone number correction, a journalist I attempted to put them in contact with early on called the first number I received from them and left a message. The journalist received a voicemail message back from a woman suggesting that they call a third number because they didn’t answer that phone (number I was given to call on a non prison phone), which seems to have been done without awareness that I would find out. And caused the journalist to become suspicious.

They eventually contacted me back and stated that Securus wouldn’t let them add the correct number. When I tried to get clarity on the contradictions, discrepancies in phone numbers and changes in their motive, copies of my incoming and outgoing exchanges with them vanished from my securus tablet, and they terminated their Securus account.

I’m not sure who this person is, why they contacted me, or their end game. But due to their profound knowledge of the operations at Clements unit, their dialect in prison lingo and the discrepancies above leave me to the following conclusion: They either have a personal vendetta against the four guards, they are inmates, or are assisting inmates in trying to get incriminating info against me, the real person’s identity is being used to advance one of the above, or some half backed effort to provoke my reporting integrity was misfired by a TDCJ staff.

If this isn’t the case, I’m sure they’ll publicly clarify how and why I’m wrong. Just as they’ve done to Flowers. But I suppose they’ll remain hidden behind their keyboard, looking for another way to slander, or get even perhaps.

Jason Renard Walker 1532092

Powledge unit

PO Box 660400

Dallas Tx 75266

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