By Jason Renard Walker, NABPP Minister of Labor

The Clements Unit was hastily put on a medical lockdown on April 8, 2020. From the outset, prisoners were told that the medical lockdown would be discontinued 14 days later. 46 days later, prisoners are still waiting for the 14 days to pass, so that hot meals, recreation, library books and so on can be distributed. Even visits to the infirmary have been put on hold. Short of death, sick call requests aren’t being answered.

The reason the lockdown hasn’t been lifted, many guards have said, is because each time a guard or prisoner tests positive for the coronavirus the 14 day restriction starts over. Supposedly the 14 days restarted May 22, 2020. According to officer Martinez, five prisoners in the units dormitory tested positive for COVID-19. We actually had 13 days completed.

What seems unusual and that needs public scrutiny is the fact that the pod I’m on, 3 Bldg. A-pod has gone the entire 46 days without a positive case or prisoner or guard working the pod showing any symptoms.

In fact, the initial medical lockdown didn’t have anything to do with A-pod. B-pod was the pod that triggered the 3 Bldg. lockdown. Guards rumored that their own co-worker, officer Ray, had coronavirus symptoms and tested positive. Ray even had the audacity to confront me with veiled threats and intimidation about his lawyer, though the coward seemed to have no interest in confronting the rumor mongers. The inner works of a coward indeed.

Despite the unit becoming a hotbed for the coronavirus we have yet to be put under an actual quarantine. Every day prisoners are being moved from 3 Bldg. to 4 Bldg., pod to pod, cell to cell and to and fro 11 Bldg. Our sack lunches are even being handled and made by prisoners and guards at the nearby Neal unit, according to guards.

In the April 2020 Texas prison newsletter, The ECHO, a FAQ front page article exposed the reality that the Clements Unit has run afoul of Gov. Greg Abbotts orders. Regardless of what the ECHO says, this is what’s really going on at the Clements unit.

  1. Prisoners are not receiving their two free 15 minute phone calls a week. The first call we were allowed was for five minutes, the second call was billed as a collect call for over $21. As of now we haven’t received any calls since then, over a month ago.
  1. According to the ECHO, “If the test comes back positive for COVID-10, individuals will remain on medically restricted status for a minimum of 14 days. Movement will be restricted during the medically restricted period in order to prevent the spread of illness and monitor those who may have been exposed. If the test comes back negative, quarantine will no longer be necessary.” Well, according to nurses, not one prisoner tested positive for COVID-19 during the recent tests the entire unit had to take. I’m speaking of prisoners not housed in the dorms.
  1. The ECHO suggests that the lockdown won’t affect commissary purchases. This is also a lie. We went sometime without a purchase. The recent purchase we did get was limited to $15; 15 blank envelopes; two bags of chips; 18 Ramen noodles; six waters; no radio, fan, hotpot, shoes or purchases of items over $15. The next purchase is so distant, even commissary staff have no idea when we will go back.The downfall to these irregular purchases is the black market it creates, as an organic response to hunger and survival. One Ramen noodle can easily be traded for seven forever postage stamps; one fruit stick goes for three stamps; one fish sandwich for 10 stamps, etc.
  1. Free medical care? This may be true but fact remains that all routine care has been suspended through ignoring sick calls.


All Clements Unit prisoners want is to be placed on a 14 day quarantine, be safe from getting sick and restrict all movement until the quarantine is lifted. Simply punishing all prisoners for sick guards that test positive in parts of the prison we have no access to, is punitive.

The only thing that current medical lockdown is restricting is access to warm and filling food, access to library books and recreation, access to visit our family, access to commissary and access to be safe from the spread of the virus.

The 14 day restriction is being used unilaterally to close down the entire prison when staff know where the virus is at, yet allow guards to roam these areas and then go where they please.

Readers please call the unit warden and demand that quarantine measures be used, prisoners allowed their twice weekly 15 min phone calls, regular commissary purchases to be restored, and access to routine medical care. 

Dare to struggle, dare to win! All power to the people!


While I was asleep, a masked white guard sprayed chemicals from a high power container into my cell. He laughed as the liquid got into my typewriter, damaging it. Now my typewriter is broken and a new one costs $225.00. He said, “file your lawsuit now” before he left. 

Jason Renard Walker #1532092

Clements Unit 

9601 Spur 591

Amarillo, TX 79107


  1. It’s happening in All units, Not just Clements. My LO said he believes TDCJ is trying to kill those who have compromised immune systems. There’s a very limited amount of people who are receiving long phone calls. I am not, I get 5 minutes with my LO. The food has been molded, old, and smells gross.

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